Born in a family of eight comprising of six girls and two boys. Unfortunately, the eldest brother, Rueben went to be with the Lord in 2001. She first sensed a passion for charity work since Primary School at the age of ten. She always felt compassion for those marginalized, ostracized and rejected by the Society. She nurtured this gift through High School and it became a reality when she joined the mainstream formal employment. Madrine started responding to the needs of the less privileged especially in the streets and communities of Harare.
In 1996, she began helping destitute people at the then Harare Cecil Square and was providing food and clothing. In 1997, she took custody of a family of three orphans and their mother into her flat where she stayed with them for almost three months providing accommodation, food, clothes and psycho social support. On a number of occasions, she provided street kids with blankets during the winter season to cushion them from the chilly weather although most of them would subsequently sell these blankets. However this did not deter her from pursuing her passion for charity to help the orphaned and vulnerable children.