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ZAGA donates in Epworth

Esteemed Children's Trust (ECT) centers in Epworth and Caledonia started the new year on a good note as they recently received cash and grocery donations from a UK-based golf society, Zimbabwe Amateur Golf Association (ZAGA)

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Esteemed Children Trust (ECT) seeks to bring holistic transformation and to provide love, care and support to less privileged children. The aim is to instill hope into the lives of children who feel they been abandoned and do not see light at the end of the tunnel. ECT’s ultimate goal is to meet children’s immediate and long-term needs in a sustainable manner and to assist them to discover their purpose.

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  • +263 4 704162, +263 8677 133 737 +263 772 560 064, +263 712 546 572 +263 772 269 720, +263 738 938 768
  • 7/58 McLoughlin Road, Kensington, Harare. P O Box A1200, Avondale, Harare.